During the summer of 1996, Carmen Cusmano started working at Yale Printing and Publishing (YPPS), running the presses. Back then, YPPS was located in the basement of 155...
CMYK 100, 75, 8, 40 or Pantone 289 is best known as Yale Blue. The color associated with Yale and her traditions was standardized by the University Printer, John Gambell in...
Yale Printing and Publishing Services (YPPS) is excited
to announce Christian Peralta’s promotion to BluePrint Manager.
Chris will lead the BluePrint team in his new...
Installing the PaperCut client:
Deployment on Linux and Unix
Linux and Unix workstations are supported via Java. Install Java 5.0+. ( Java version 5.0 or higher is required...
Every year, In-Plant Graphics hosts an award contest to recognize the highest quality work in in-plant printing. Industry experts, vendors and managers come together to...