Yale Printing & Publishing Services

Web Development

At YPPS, our web developers work hand-in-hand with our graphic designers to create web sites that are both highly sophisticated in functionality and powerful in visual impact. The same strengths that YPPS brings to graphic design in print work is seamlessly carried over into web work: original, visually stunning design which incorporates a strong sense of Yale’s history and prominence within the academic community. Adobe Animate can be used to add animation and greater interactivity to your site, or to create stand-alone kiosk-type interactive movies. The web team at YPPS can also create web-based applications using ASP technology to provide database integration, automatic email notification, password-protected sites and more. And we are experienced with customized programming for the Drupal CMS (Content Management System), so can create customized Drupal websites ready for launch within the Yale Drupal hosting framework.

Website Design and Coding

  • 25+ years of web design experience
  • Sites can be created from scratch, according to a template, or modified from existing sites
  • Dynamic web technologies supported, including Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript rollovers, popup menus, HTML form validation and much more

Animation and Sound with Adobe Animate

  • From simple text or logo animation to interactive tours and demos complete with music or voiceovers
  • Can be integrated into web sites or used as stand-alone applications to be distributed on CDs, SD cards or flash drives

Dynamic Web Applications

  • Web applications can provide a web-based interface to databases for online surveys, registration forms and more
  • Password protection and login methods can be used to precisely control who has access and what actions they can take
  • ASP can be used to send customized email alerts from web-based forms

Drupal CMS Development

  • Creation of customized website layouts and templates for the Drupal Content Management System