Yale Printing & Publishing Services

YPPS Goes Green with BluePrint

BluePrint printing clusters now found around campus combine printer programs including YPPS Copier Rental and PaperCut programs.

Under the united BluePrint system operations will be seamless for customers who previously used any previous systems.  For instance, PaperCut customers will continue printing to the same queue names and client software.

Some great new changes and lower prices for students include:

  1. NEW LOWER COLOR RATE effective January 2014. This Anniversary Rate is offered in celebration of YPPS’s 25 years serving the university community.  The new student color printing rates decrease from $ 0.30 per page to $ 0.25–a 17 % discount.
  2. Green initiatives – all student print locations will have Aspen 30% recycled FSC certified paper starting in January 2014; all equipment is Energy Star certified.
  3. New remote monitoring – YPPS is now able to monitor all devices remotely and troubleshoot malfunctions.
  4. YPPS has increased service coverage at all student printing locations.  Technical Support Specialists will make scheduled visits to cluster locations on a daily basis.
  5. Clear Labeling - Equipment will be prominently labeled with printer names & corresponding print release stations.
  6. Contact Us – Call BluePrint customer service directly with any questions or issues at (203-436-9640).
  7. By July 2014 - Global queues will be named BluePrint. The existing YalePrint PaperCut queue will point to BluePrint queue so students won’t have to update their computers.
  8. All residential College clusters will have new color multi-functional devices installed over the summer.

Learn More …

For a detailed description of all the BluePrint programs, click here

For information about the Papercut program, click here