Last weekend, Jonathan Edwards College (JE), the oldest residential college at Yale, celebrated its first all-years, all-classes reunion. Alumni spanning nearly eigth decades returned to 68 High Street to relive their college years, catch up with old friends, and make new ones in the process.Former students returned from all over the world– some for the first time since graduation, others a familiar face around the recently rennovated college. And some even returned to see their children as current JE students enjoying the same beautiful courtyard. Generations of Masters and Deans came together to greet the classes as they entered. From the Master’s reception to the Student Panel to the Women’s Breakfast, one thing was certain: JE’s community is as strong as ever. From those who have just graduated to those with grandchildren, every JE student enjoyed the shared appreciation of the residential college, their home away from home for so many years.YPPS is happy to have helped bring these ideas and memories to life. Jason England and Brian Gillespie helped create the sprawling photo collage (pictured below) and of course, programs and materials for during the Saturday night banquet.