Yale Printing & Publishing Services

Course Packet Information for Faculty

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Checklist   |   Tips   |   Forms

Checklist for Submitting Student Course Packets

Step 1) Prepare your Materials

  1. Determine whether you will submit your course packet material electronically or as hard copy. Things to keep in mind:
    1. Electronic Submission: For the best quality packet, submit your material electronically as a PDF file. Please name your files logically (i.e. article-01, article-02, etc.) and burn them to CD (or call us for submission instructions).
    2. Hard Copy Submission: When submitting material as hard copy, be sure to submit clean, legible text on 8.5 x 11 pages. Please carefully photocopy books and articles.
  2. Provide a Table of Contents, List or Syllabus that clearly identifies the article(s) in the order which the materials should appear in the Course Packet. REQUIRED

 Step 2) Complete the Copyright Clearance Citation Form REQUIRED

  1. Copyright Clearance Citation Form, available below- You may either complete the form electronically (preferred), print copies of the form and complete it manually or provide All of the information using your own form. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are the minimum required fields. Your material will NOT be processed without complete citation information.
    1. All course material is subject to copyright clearance. If you have permission to reproduce any of the material you are submitting in a printed course packet, please include a copy of that permission letter. This will help streamline the process.

 Step 3) Complete the YPPS Course Packet Order Form

  1. Complete a YPPS Course Packet Order Form, available below.
  2. Complete the form electronically or print it and fill it out by hand
    1. For best results when filling it out electronically, save the form to your computer then complete the saved copy. Use the Tab key to move between fields.
  3. The entire order form must be completed and included when you submit the course material to YPPS.

Step 4) Submit your Course Packet and all relevant forms according to the checklist below.


  1. Course Packet Materials & Table of Contents/Syllabus
    1. Electronic Submission: submit your materials as a PDF by burning it to a CD.
    2. Bring your Hard Copy materials to the Drop-Off site:
      1. Law School: Law School Student Commons.
      2. All other users: 344 Winchester Avenue, or call 203.432.6560 to arrange for a pickup.
  2. Copyright Clearance Citation Form
  3. YPPS Course Packet Order Form


TIPS – What to Consider When Preparing Your Course Packet

TIP 1. Include - A course packet should consist of a professor’s own writings and small portions or pages from books or magazines that are only available on paper.

TIP 2. Web Accessible Material- Full text articles downloaded from any Yale library should NOT be included in a course packet. Faculty should place links to these articles in their course management system (Canvas, Blackboard, etc.). This reduces student costs by allowing them to conveniently access the material from your class website without incurring any additional copyright or printing fees.

For help with linking to online articles you can contact either:

TIP 3. In Print Books- Entire books or significant portions of books that are available in-print should NOT be included in a course packet. If copyright clearance is granted it is usually significantly higher than the cost of the actual book.

TIP 4. Out-of-print books can be included in a course packet, provided copyright clearance is granted. If there is a desire to use an out of print book in a class, it will often speed up the process and reduce the copyright cost if a faculty member contacts the book’s publisher directly and requests permission to reproduce the book. If this is done, simply submit the permission letter to YPPS along with the book and YPPS will manage the payment of the copyright fees.

PLEASE NOTE - contacting a rights holder usually consists of:

  • Looking at the copyright page in order to find out who the publisher is.
  • Performing a search on the Internet for the publisher’s website.
    • Most websites have instructions on how to request permission to make copies or will at least have a contact phone number.
  • Contact the publisher according to their instructions and request permission to use the material in a course packet.
  • Submit the permission information along with the material and we will produce the course packet.
  • YPPS will then arrange for the collection of the copyright fee from the students (by adding it to the cost of the packet) and will arrange for the payment to the vendor based on the number of packets sold.

TIP 5. Make Smaller packets - Break large packets up into smaller packets (i.e. packet 1 for weeks 1 – 7, packet 2 for weeks 8 – 13, etc.). This will allow the first packet to be ready sooner.

YPPS Course Packet Submission Forms

The following 2 forms must be completed and submitted with your Course Packet for processing.


To complete the form you can:

  • (with the full version of Adobe Acrobat)
    • Complete the form electronically, save the completed form and print it
    • Print the form and complete it by hand
  • (with Adobe's Reader)
    • Complete the form electronically and print it (sorry, you can't save the completed form)
    • Print the form and complete it by hand

Click here to download the PDF form 


NOTE: The Copyright Clearance Citation Form (3-CR Citation Form 200701.xls) is an Excel workbook that contains a macro. You will not be able to run the macro unless your security in Excel is set to Medium. You will, however, be able to open the worksheet. See the Instructions tab (within the workbook) for guidance.

  • Complete the form electronically, save and print or email OR
  • Print it out and complete it legibly by hand

All Required * fields must be complete

Click here to download the Excel form

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